How to avoid reading for an exam? My best tip: 1) Start baking 2) Notice that the oven is hot and to make the best use of it, bake also something else 3) You have happily spent the whole evening baking and relaxing and thus will get a good grade! :)
Tonight I felt like making some bread rolls, because I have a lot of flour of all sorts, and other sesame seed were already a bit out of date, which was a good reason to use a lot of them in the dough! I found the recipe on a website of the Finnish organic honey producer Komppa-Seppälä Farm. That honey we sell on the university organic food circle also comes from them!
* 5 dl vettä
* 50 g hiivaa
* 1 tl suolaa
* 3 rkl Voi hyvin -hunajaa
* 2 dl seesaminsiemeniä
* 1 dl vehnäleseitä
* 11-12 dl hiivaleipäjauhoja
* 1 dl öljyä
Liuota hiiva kädenlämpöiseen veteen. Lisää suola, hunaja, seesaminsiemenet ja vehnäleseet. Alusta taikina hiivaleipäjauhoilla. Lisää öljy alustamisen loppuvaiheessa. Kohota taikina lämpimässä paikassa. Leivo sämpylöiksi. Kohota. Voitele kohonneet sämpylät vedellä ja ripottele pinnalle seesaminsiemeniä.
Paista 225 asteessa 15 minuuttia.
Sesame rolls
5 dl warm water
50 g yeast
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp honey
2 dl sesame seeds
1 dl wheat brans (or flakes)
11-12 dl flour (preferably not the whitest wheat flour ;)
1 dl oil (I used olive oil)
Dissolve the yeast in warm water. Add salt, honey, seseme seed and wheat brans, and little by little the flour. Add the oil in the end of kneading. Let the dough rise in a warm place. Cut it into equal pieces and form into balls. Let them rise on an baking tray. Heat the oven to 225 C. Before baking the rolls, brush them with water and sprinkle some sesame seeds on top. Enjoy!
Mmm, I love freshly baked bread! It is my dream to wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread, or optionally to the smell of pancakes! :)
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